Tag: Erotica

Any literary work that deals with subject matter that is erotically stimulating or sexually arousing but is not pornographic.

A key distinction between erotica and pornography is that the latter’s sole objective is the graphic depiction of sexually explicit scenes, while erotica “seeks to tell a story that involves sexual themes.” (Wikipedia)

In my work, erotica is strongly motivated by emotions. The characters’ sexual passions are driven by matters of the heart.

Dævara in the Silvergrey Sea

from ‘The Silvergrey Sea’

[Drago] backed away as Dævara stepped out of the mound of cloth and bent from the waist to retrieve it.

She took her time.

The diminutive whore’s backside was poetry in flesh. A waist that couldn’t have been larger than twenty inches offset slender hips to increase her bum’s apparent tumescence…

…she turned back to her client. Her eyes were sparkling liquid fire. Dark red tresses worked their way around her shoulders, their curling ends brushing the pale blue areolas that capped her small teats.

Lamplight caught the silver sparkles dusting her white flesh as she moved in a way that would have put serpents to shame.

She wore no jewelry.

She needed none.

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The Tale of Dævara and Bradwold

from ‘The Fate of Stars’

Bradwold, tall and lean, had a weathered, angular face and was dressed in leather and chainmail, his square-toed boots plated with steel. A steel cap was under his left arm. Steel-backed gauntlets were tucked into a wide leather belt.

His eyes were a luminous green. Bradwold’s beauty was interesting until he smiled, then it was devastating.

Dæv felt a heat in her cheeks and upper chest that she hadn’t since those first heady days after her rebirth.

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How Dævara Came to Be

from ‘The Fate of Stars’

Like the many lovers Dævara had taken in the says since learning she was becoming an elf, flying was a glorious sensory revel.

Air driven past with gale force furrowed the skin of her teats, tummy, and thighs like the fingers of a sadistic masseur.

The air chilled her to the marrow, forced her limbs to splay behind her.

The wind pushed its thumbs into her eyes, squeezing tears out.

Her hair flogged her back.

It felt wonderful.

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